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Q: How does my item get to you?

A: Shipping is Free and Easy

Please pack your machine in a box and send it to us using the pre-paid return label you received.

Make sure to use plenty of packaging materials to protect your machine. If possible, the box should be completely filled with packaging materials and the machine wrapped well enough so it’s not moving around in the box. You can use anything to protect the laptop, such as: small bubble wrap, crumbled up paper/newspaper, foam, old towels, etc. Be sure all sides of the Mac are protected and there isn’t extra space in the box.

Q: What happens if there is a difference in opinion?

A: We will assess your item. If the item isn’t in line with the grade you chose, we will contact you and provide a revised offer. Rest assured, it’s in our best interest to offer you the best value for your item. The item will be re-graded in line with the quote system. If the offer isn’t to your liking, we will return your item free of charge.

Q: How will I be paid?

A: You will be paid within 48hrs of your item arriving at out warehouse. In either PayPal or Bank Transfer.

Q: How Long?

A: Once the item is delivered we will do our best to process your payment within 48hrs.

Q: Do I have to fill out the quote form if I have more than one item?

A: No you can email us or got to the contact form on the Need More Help? menu option.

Q: I have no idea what the spec of my Mac is. What do I do?

A: If you still have your Mac operating system on your machine click the apple logo on the top left of the menu bar. Then go to about this mac, you will see the information you need to fill out the quote form. Don’t forget to get the hard drive size as well.

Q: I no longer have software on my Mac, what should I do?

A: That’s fine, just go to this link put in the last 3 digits of your serial number. Example: 9pk

Q: How do I know my Data is safe in your hands?

A: is a website owned by Intelligent Lifecycle solutions. We are a specialist recycling business with over 15 years of experience in processing electronic goods. We have large processing facilities in Reno and Salley.
We process technology from Financial, Government and Fortune 500 companies. We are fully certified in data protection. Use and have confidence we will treat your data the same as any Corporation’s sensitive data.

Q: How long is my quote valid for ?

A: 14 days from acceptance
