Simple Ways to Make your Mac Run Faster

Nothing is more frustrating than turning on your Mac only to discover that it seems to be taking its time doing what you need it to do. Before you chuck it out the window, try a few of these tips to help your Mac run a little faster. They are quick, easy, and free. And they just might work for you if you give them a try.
Try Restarting it
This seems like something that is so simple it can’t possibly work but think about it. When was the last time was that you actually restarted your Mac? If you can’t remember doing it recently, try restarting it. Many people are guilty of just sleeping their Mac or closing the screen on their laptops so they don’t actually have to wait the time it takes to start them all the way up from the beginning. Well, this is not doing your Mac any favors. There’s something called memory leaking that can cause your Mac to be sluggish after a while because it takes up resources. Restarting your Mac can help stop memory leakage.
Clean the Hard Drive
After you’ve tried shutting down your Mac and restarting it, you might want to consider cleaning your hard drive. Put down the soap and cloth. All you have to do is use a tool like Magican to expedite the process of cleaning your Mac’s hard drive. If you make it a habit to clean out your hard drive daily or even weekly, it may make occurrences of sluggishness less frequent.
Perform Updates
You know how your computer lets you know when it’s time for an update? Well, don’t ignore it. Again, we don’t really like to take the time to do the things we should do and that includes updating our computers. It’s actually a fairly easy process on your Mac. Simply go to the Mac App Store and search for the latest OS for your Mac. When you update the operating system, it will give your computer the newest available patches and bug fixes which may be the cause of the sluggishness you’re noticing.
Manage your Mac’s Startup
Remember how this article mentioned how it seems to take forever to boot up your Mac sometimes? Well, if you’re literally waiting for several minutes, you might want to tinker around to figure out why. It may be that you have a lot of apps loading up when you login. Some of the programs that are booting up you probably don’t even know about. Cutting these out can help you to free up memory which will, in turn, help your Mac run a little faster.
To check the status of your startup programs on your Mac, go to System Preferences and then Users & Groups. Once you’re there, click your username. Look at the Login Items tab to see the applications that are clogging up the memory of your Mac when you boot up. Deselect the ones you don’t want or need running at startup.
Get Rid of Spyware and Viruses
If you have Spyware or viruses on your Macbook, that could be the reason it is running slowly. Mac has antivirus software installed when you purchase it, but it’s still a good idea to enable Stealth Mode under System Preferences. This can help prevent that annoying spyware from taking hold of your Mac.
Cool your Mac Down
You know how it becomes difficult for you to work in conditions that are really hot? Your Mac is the same way. Make sure your Mac is on an elevated stand or a cooling pad to help keep the air circulating. Soft surfaces can obstruct the flow of air to your Mac, causing it to work more slowly. While you’re keeping it cool, you should also dust the air vents. If your air vents get clogged, it can cause your Mac to slow down as it begins to heat up more than you’d like because the obstruction isn’t letting air through properly.
These are some tips that might help that slower than you’d like Mac to get back to faster speeds. Implement some or all these tips to see if there’s a noticeable difference in the function of your Mac. It’s cheaper to fix your current Mac than replace it.